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  • maintain
    • v. 维持,保持;维修,保养
    • We have to maintain the room orderly and clean all the time.
  • derive
    • v. 从……衍生出,源自
    • The name of the film character is believed to derive from a Greek word.
  • default
    • v. 违约,不履行承诺
    • n. 违约;默认值
    • The company defaulted on its initial payment. 该公司未能按时缴纳首付。
  • confidence
    • n. 信任;自信;机密
  • estate /ɪ'steɪt/
    • n. 庄园,财产,遗产
    • His estate was left to his nephew. 他把遗产留给了侄子。
  • intimate
    • adj. 亲密的,有恋爱关系的,私人的
    • I only share my secrets with my intimate friends.
  • dilemma
    • n. 进退两难的窘境
    • She was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to work at her hometown.
  • dip
    • v. 蘸,浸;下沉
    • Dip your hand in to see how hot the water is.
  • editorial
    • adj. 编辑的,主编的
    • The paper follows an editorial policy that puts great emphasis on foreign news. 本报遵循非常重视外国新闻的编辑政策。
  • hawk
    • n. 鹰隼,鹰派人物
  • feature
    • n. 特征,特色,面容,正片
    • v. 担任主演,占重要地位
    • A distinctive feature of Indian movies is that they always contain dancing scenes. 印度电影的一个显著特征是里面有很多跳舞的桥段。
  • sustain
    • v. 保持,使持续不断
    • Earth can sustain life. 地球能维持生命。
  • engagement
    • n. 订婚,约会,预约,雇佣,了解
    • Their engagement was announced in the local paper. 他们订婚的消息已在当地报纸上公布。
  • differentiate /ˌdɪfə'renʃieɪt/
    • 区分,辨别;使不同;差别对待
    • Virtual reality technologies can create a world that makes it hard to differentiate fantasy from reality. 虚拟现实技术可以创造一个难以区分虚幻与现实的世界。
  • leak
    • v. 泄漏,渗入
    • The roof was leaking rain water. 屋顶在漏雨水。
  • verify
    • v. 核实,证实,证明
    • There is not enough evidence to verify your theory. 证据不足以证实你的理论。

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