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流利阅读 2023.03.26

The 30 top world destinations for 2023 from Lonely Planet's hot list
《孤独星球》⼈⽓榜:2023 年全球 Top 30 旅游⽬的地

Epic landscapes, resurgent cities, foodies' Edens and family favorites are among the anticipated Best in Travel destinations that global travel guide Lonely Planet has unveiled for 2023.

壮丽的⾃然景观、逐渐复苏的都市、美⻝爱好者的伊甸园、家庭旅⾏⾸选……这些都出现在了全球旅游指南《孤独星球》2023 最佳旅游⽬的地的清单上。

  • anticipated:adj. 预期的,让人期待的 expected
  • unveiled:adj. 公之于众的
    • veil:n. 面纱,v. 戴上面纱,拢上面纱
    • A fine drizzle veiled the hills. 蒙蒙细雨笼罩着群山。
    • unveil:v. 揭开面纱,披露,推出
    • He unveiled his new strategy this week. 这周他披露了他的新战略。
  • resurgent:/rɪˈsɝː.dʒənt/ adj. 恢复活力的,复兴的
    • a resurgent economy:复苏的经济
    • surge:v. 上升,奔涌而出
  • Eden:n. 伊甸园

The 18th annual selection featuring 30 must- visit destinations around the globe has been organized this year around the quality of the visits that travelers can enjoy in each place.

这是《孤独星球》第 18 次进⾏年度精选,重点介绍了全球 30 个必去的⽬的地,今年整理列表的依据是,游客在这些地⽅可以享受到的旅⾏质量。

  • annual selection:年度精选
  • featuring:v. 以……为重点;主演……
    • feat. Lucia:以 Lucia 为歌曲的重点
    • 不及物:He featured in one of the show's episodes. 他主演了其中一集。
    • 及物:This event features a stunning catwalk show. 这场活动以走秀为重点。
  • be organized around sth.:围绕着某事进行整理

"In the past, our team has organized this list by country, region and city," Lonely Planet explains. "Yet as travel continues to rebound, we've noticed that our readers are craving meaningful experiences now more than ever. They're selecting the places they want to visit with particular intentionality and care.”


  • rebound:v. 反弹
    • His shot on goal rebounded off the post. 他的射门被立柱反弹了回来。
    • bound:v. 蹦蹦跳跳
  • carve:v. 渴求,一般用进行时,表示正在渴望某事
    • What are you craving? 你在渴求什么?
  • intentionality:n. 意向性,是一个很生僻的词,这里等同于 intention
    • intention:n. 意图
  • with particular intentionality and care:后面就是 with care,表示谨慎地
    • Fragile – handle with care. 小心易碎。

Thus, Lonely Planet's predictions for the coming year celebrate the world's top locations for Food, Unwinding, Connection, Journeys, and Learning.


  • celebrate:vt. 庆祝,赞许
  • unwind /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ v. (精神层面的)放松;松开
    • wind:/waɪnd/ v. 缠绕,转磁带,上发条
    • to wind the tape back 倒带
    • The thread unwound a little. 线松开了一点。

The eat category features Peru's capital, Lima, alongside chef Ricardo Martins, affordable world class dining in South Africa and the dining scene around Umbria, Italy.


  • alongside:伴随,顺带说一下
  • affordable:adj. 付得起的,不太昂贵的,实惠的

Intrepid journeys include the reinstated night train between Istanbul and Sofia, Bulgaria, and a long-weekend road trip through Nova Scotia.


  • intrepid:adj. 无畏的,勇敢的
    • 词源:tremble:v. 颤抖,trepid:adj. 惊恐的,胆小的
    • an intrepid space traveler:无所畏惧的太空旅行者
  • reinstated:adj. 刚刚恢复的
    • reinstate:v. 恢复
    • to reinstate the death penalty:恢复死刑
  • long-weekend:小长假

For unwind experiences, the list includes the overlooked peninsula of Halkidiki in Greece, historic Jordan, future-facing Jamaica and ever-popular Malta.


  • overlook:v. 俯视,忽视
    • Our room overlooks the ocean. 我们的房价俯瞰大海。
    • It is easy to overlook a small detail like that. 这样的小细节很容易被忽视。
  • peninsula:/pəˈnɪn.sə.lə/ v. 半岛
    • 前缀:pæne(almost,几乎)
    • 后缀:insula(isle,岛)
  • future-facing:adj. 面向未来的
  • ever-popular:adj. 一直很受欢迎的

Travelers looking to connect with distinctive local scenes are directed to the buzzing art- centric Accra, as well as Sydney.


  • distinctive:adj. 独一无二的,unique
    • distinct:adj. 截然不同的
    • two entirely distinct languages:两种完全不同的语言
  • be directed to:把……引导
  • buzzing:adj. 热闹的
    • buzz:v. 充满嘈杂的声音;(昆虫)发出嗡嗡声

In the learn category are New Mexico with the Native American hoop dancer ShanDien Sonwai LaRance, Manchester, home to one of the U.K.'s most dynamic art scenes and the laid-back surf culture of El Salvador.


  • 倒装句,同位语
  • laid-back:adj. 放松的
  • surf:冲浪

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