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流利阅读 2023.03.27

Is BMI a scam?
BMI(Body Mass Index,身体质量指数)是骗局吗?

There are few single measures in health care that seem to carry as much weight as body mass index, or BMI. Many feel judged by it, but after talking with an epidemiologist, two obesity medicine physicians, a health psychologist and a sociologist, none claimed that BMI was a very useful measure of a person's health. And, in fact, some said they would indeed call it a scam.

在医疗保健领域,⼏乎没有⼀项单⼀指标像身体质量指数(或者说 BMI)那样重要。很多⼈觉得这个指数对他们的身材妄加评论了,但是在和⼀名流⾏病学家、两名专攻肥胖症治疗的内科医⽣、⼀名健康⼼理学家以及⼀名社会学家交流后,他们中没有⼀个⼈说 BMI 是衡量⼈体健康的有效指标。⽽且事实上,有些⼈说他们的确会称其为骗局。

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