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流利阅读 2023.03.25

'Women don't need to bleed': why many more of us are giving up on periods

With recent confirmation that periods have no health benefit, an increasing number of women are using contraception to stop them altogether.


  • with sth. that… 表示后面从句发生的原因是前面这个 sth.
  • recent confirmation:最近证实了…
  • periods:n. 月经
  • contraception:n. 避孕手段
    • contra-:表示 contrast,against 表示反对的前缀
    • -ception:表示 conception,概念,怀孕
  • altogether:一起。这里表示很多女性都在使用避孕手段。

Menstruation is the process by which the body sheds the lining of the uterus and unfertilised egg. Not having periods does not create a “backlog”, nor are they necessary to “cleanse the body”. Menstruation can, however, exacerbate incapacitating physical or mental health problems including endometriosis and depression.


  • menstruation:/ˌmenstruˈeɪʃn/ n. 月经
    • menstruare:monthly,一月一次的
    • -ation:表示动作,一月一次的动作,就是例假。
    • 一般来说口语常用 I’m on my period. 表示正处于例假中。
  • by which:指的就是通过这个过程,会发生……
  • shed:v. 蜕;去掉,get rid of
    • shed unwanted weight:减肥
    • A snake has shed its skin. 蛇在蜕皮。
  • the lining of the uterus:子宫内膜
    • lining:n. 组织,膜
    • uterus:n. 子宫
  • unfertilised egg:未受精的卵子
    • 女性的子宫内膜会每月变厚,方便受精卵附着,如果卵子没有受精,那么变厚的子宫内膜就会和未受精的卵子一起脱落。
    • fertile:adj. 肥沃的,具有生育能力的
    • fertilise:v. 让卵子受精
  • backlog:n. 积压未办的事;积压的工作
    • a backlog of sth. 没有完成的事情
  • cleanse:/klenz/ v. (由内而外的)洗涤,净化
    • clean:表面上做清洁,clean the floor
    • cleanse:由内而外的洗涤、净化,偏抽象,cleanse the soul 净化心灵
  • exacerbate:/ɪɡˈzæsərbeɪt/ v. 使恶化,使加剧 make sth. worse
    • Anger will only exacerbate the situation.
  • incapacitate:/ˌɪnkəˈpæsɪteɪt/ v. 使没有能力(正常工作和生活)
    • 指某些严重的,可以使得人没有能力正常工作和生活的问题
  • endometriosis:/ˌɛndo,mitrɪ'osɪs/ n. 子宫内膜异位
  • depression:n. 抑郁症

So, if women do not want a period, is there a medical reason that they should? Many may be surprised to learn that the short answer is: no.


Dr Anne Connolly, the clinical lead for Women’s Health for the Royal College of GPs, says there is no health benefit to them: “Ninety-nine per cent of women don’t need to bleed.”


  • GP:General Practitioner,普通从业医生
  • clinical:adj. 临床的

The option not to have periods is rooted in hormonal contraceptives, which prevent pregnancy, sometimes with other effects — including lightening bleeding or stopping it altogether. Many new forms of contraception — including the contraceptive implant and injection — are designed to be taken continuously, meaning many users can safely go months or years without any bleeding.


  • A be rooted in B:A 的根源就在于 B
  • hormonal:/hɔːrˈmoʊnl/ adj. 荷尔蒙的,激素的,hormone
  • contraceptive:/ˌkɑːntrəˈseptɪv/ n. 避孕药物
  • lightening bleeding:减少出血

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