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n. + v. 最简单的简单句:谁,在干什么。核心要素:名词 + 动词,称作主语 + 谓语。简单句:一个主语只能搭配一个谓语,不能搭配多个谓语或者多个主语。


  • 有实义:动作有实实在在的含义,唱跳游泳,喜欢思考……
    • 不及物动词 vi.:不涉及到其他物,由主语完成,简单句构成:主 + 谓
      • Everybody else loses. 其他的所有人失败了。
      • Smaller species survived (on the earth). 后面接的介词短语是补充说明地点的,并不是动作 survive 的承受者,因此这还是一个 主 + 谓 的简单句。
    • 及物动词 vt.:动作不能由主语独立完成,有动作的承受者:主 + 谓 + 宾
      • Everybody loves a fat pay rise. 所有人都喜欢一个更丰厚的收入增长。
      • Yet science has a cultural history. have 是一个典型的 vt. 有,有什么。
    • 有些动词既可以做及物动词,也可以做不及物动词,sing 唱歌
    • 主 + 谓 + 双宾:可以人 + 物或者物 + to/for + 人(to 表方向,for 表目的)
      • They gave justices permanent positions. 给了某人某物
      • They gave permanent positions to justices. 把某物给某人
      • Railroads charged all customers the same average rate. 收了某人某物
      • 无论谁前谁后,永远都是物是直接宾语,人是间接宾语,因为动作是直接作用于物上,然后传递给人
    • 主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾补:差点意思,用宾语补足语补充说明宾语,不是补充说明主语
      • You always keep your eyes open. 你总是保持你的眼睛张开。张开就是宾补。
      • The spooks call it“open source intelligence”. 间谍称其为“公开来源信息”。
      • 可以用多种多样的形式来做宾语补足语,一定注意是补充说明宾语。
    • 人 + 物一定是双宾,逻辑补充(逻辑上有主谓关系)是宾补。在宾语和宾补之间加上“是”,读的通就是宾补。
  • 无实义:be 动词(是)由于句子必须要有动词,因此称其为“连系动词”
    • 主 + 系 + 表:系动词就是谓语,但是更强调它的连系性,只有一些特定的动词才能做系动词。系动词后面的就是表语,实义动词后面的就是宾语。
      • This is a dangerous game. 这是一个危险的游戏。
    • 单独使用的 be 动词(和其他动词在一起的 be doing/be done 是助动词)
      • I’m a teacher. I’m teaching English. 前一个是系动词,后一个是助动词。
    • get, become, turn, go, grow 表示“变得”这个意思的时候
      • I got angry. I got a new car. 前一个是“变得”,后一个是“得到”
    • look, sound, smell, taste, feel 表“感官”,看/听/闻/尝/感觉起来的时候
      • You look beautiful. You look at an apple. 前一个是“看起来”,后一个是“看着”
    • seem, appear 表“似乎是……”
    • keep, remain 表“保持……状态,依然是……”
    • prove 表“证明出,显示出……”
    • Many discussions are not so successful. 很多讨论不是很成功。
    • Their behavior became markedly different. 他们的行为变得非常不同。
    • The prospect seems remote. 前景似乎是很遥远的。
    • Unification of sorts remains a major goal. 不同种类的联合依然是主要目标。



These views of arguments also undermine reason. 主谓宾。


More apparent reasonableness followed. 主谓。


They suddenly became extinct. 主系表。


Poetry of many kinds gave him great pleasure. 主谓双宾。

很多种类的是个给了他很大的愉快。(人 + 物)

Our president calls himself“the Decider”. 主谓宾补。



  • 通过不及物动词简化句子
    • A parallel situation exists in respect of predatory mammals and fish-eating birds. 主谓:不及物动词只有这一种结构。(类似的情况存在……)
      • parallel:类似的
      • in respect of:在……方面
      • predatory:食肉的
      • mammal:哺乳动物
  • 根据及物动词找到分裂结构:连贯的句子(主谓宾)被分开了
    • On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge…
    • On the other hand, he did not accept the charge as well founded…
      • the charge:指控,作为宾语
      • well founded:有充分理由的,founded:adj. 有基础的
      • 这里是 charge 后面有一个从句,因此将 as well founded 放到前面去
  • 判断从句
    • 宾语从句:及物动词后
    • 表语从句:系动词后



进行时态:be doing,两个一起做谓语动词。



一共 16 种时态,重点考察 8 种:



  • 一般时态:没有/不强调任何特殊状态
    • 一般过去时:did,表示完全发生在过去的事情,过去这样,现在已经不再这样了
      • India released its AI ethics strategy this spring. 今年春天(过去)
      • This city was one of the largest human settlements in the world. 过去是,但现在已经不是了。
    • 一般现在时:do/does,表示现在的事,现在的常态/习惯性做的事
      • The goal is new-search, not re-search. 现在的目标
      • But most law graduates never get a big-firm job. 从来都没有得到过,表示一种一般性/习惯性发生的事。
      • 第三人称单数的主语:He,She,It,可数名词单数,不可数名词,不定代词
      • 还可以表示永恒:科学事实,客观真理,名言警句。
    • 一般将来时:will do,be going to do,shall do 表示现在的将来。考研不考二者的区别以及 shall 的用法。区别在于 be going to do 表示事先有计划。一般将来时表示将来有可能发生的事,但不一定会发生。
      • We will have a less civil society.
      • Who’s going to pay for the rest of the bill?
      • Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly-contested market.
    • (一般)过去将来时:would do,was/were going to do,站在过去看之后将要发生的事,首先得有一个过去,因此需要搭配一个一般过去时来用(同一句,上下文都可以)
      • They gave justices permanent positions so they would be free to upset those in power. 首先得给法官职位,然后才能让他们很容易去弹劾,一般过去时在前,过去将来时在后。
      • It simply didn’t foresee what would happen next.
  • 进行时态:
    • 过去进行时:was/were being,过去正在进行
      • He was searching for tiny engraved seals. 雕刻的印章,过去正在搜索
      • Within two weeks, he was talking for the first time with the board of Hartford Financial Services Group. 在过去的两周,他一直在进行这个谈判。
    • 现在进行时:be doing,现在正在进行
      • Home prices are holding steady in most regions. 房价正在保持稳定。
      • The astronomy community is making compromises to change its use.
    • 将来进行时:will be doing,将来某时正在进行,不重要。或表示将来确定发生的事。
      • Now, rivals will be charging sales tax. 现在,对手确定将来要收消费税了。
  • 完成时态:全部完成/部分完成,表达截止到某个时间点,回头看某件事完成结果(做没做完都不重要)
    • 过去完成时:had done,截止到过去的某个时间点(过去的之前,一般会有一个一般过去时作为参照,可以是一句话或上下文语境),回头往之前看
      • He had never gambled before the casino sent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling. 赌场寄给他优惠券(一般过去时)之前,他从未赌博过。
      • The interviewers had rated applicants on scale of one to five. 面试官会把应聘者按照 1~5 划分等级,在过去的之前做的事,不管做完还是没做完。
      • He expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the proceeding twenty or thirty years. 他表达了观点,他的想法在这 20~30 年发生了改变。想法改变在前,表达观点在后。
      • 过去的之前:是一个时间段(一直延续到“过去”,这个时间点),而不是一个时间点。Roman Catholicism had been the state religion. 如果是一般过去时,表示现在已经不是国教了,而过去完成时表示的是一个时间段,从过去的之前一直到过去。
      • 如果已经做完了,但是影响可以持续。还是可以用过去完成时。
    • 现在完成时:have/has done,表示:现在的之前。不管做完没做完都可以用。表达的是从过去到现在这一段时间发生的事。
      • The question of GDP and its usefulness has annoyed policymakers for over half a century. 在现在的之前的半个世纪,GDP 问题已经困扰了政策的制定者。
      • 现在完成时使用的是最多的,“一回想”就是现在的之前。
      • For the most part, the response has been favorable.
      • 常常搭配的一些小词:already(已经),just(刚刚),ever(曾经),never(从不)
    • 现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:
      • 宏观上:
        • 现在完成时:从过去到现在一直都是/影响持续
        • 一般过去时:过去是,现在不是
      • 微观上:
        • 现在完成时中全部做完的:可以换成过去时
        • He has left, so I cannot find him now. 强调对现在的影响。
        • He left two hours ago. 强调动作已经全部做完。
        • 现在部分完成:不能换成过去时
        • We have learned English for 15 years. 我们已经学习英语 15 年了,现在还在学。
        • We learned English for 15 years. 我们过去曾经学习了英语 15 年,现在不再学了。
    • 将来完成时:will have done,非常少,近 16 年只出现了一次。表示将来的之前。
      • Relaxtion will be in front of smell-television, and digital age will have arrived. 到将来的那个时候之前,数码时代一定是已经到来了的。
    • 完成时态:阶段性总结,无所谓做没做完。
  • 完成进行时态:非常非常少,最多出现现在完成进行时。have/has been doing 强调进行的过程,现在完成时强调进行的结果。二者都表示现在的之前。
    • We have not won the match. 强调结果,没有赢。
    • We have been working hard for several months. 强调过程,我们一直在努力。
    • Big chains have been collecting sales tax nationwide. 从过去的之前开始,持续进行。
    • 其实进行可以分为三种:还在进行没做完,持续进行强调一直在做,反复进行。但是这些对于考研没有用。
    • 过去完成进行时:had been doing
    • 将来完成进行时:will have been doing

谓语动词的时态 - 练习

The use of this little-known practice has accelerated in recent years.

  • little-known 不为人所知的,well-known 非常好地被知道,很出名的
  • practice 惯例,事情的做法

Readers are migrating away from print anyway. 读者正在远离印刷业。

And a significant number of the homeless have serious metal disorders.

  • a significant number of 相当多的数量
  • the homeless 无家可归的人
  • metal disorders 精神疾病
  • have 表示常态

My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago.

  • lecture 熟词僻义,发表演讲,二十年前就发表了演讲
  • looming 朦朦胧胧的

A team of researchers … would submit the results of their research to a journal.

  • 过去将来时,在某个一般现在时之后。

In recent years, railroads have been combining with each other.

  • 现在完成进行时,强调现在还在进行中



情态动词 + 动词原形:


还有 dare 这些情态动词,不过不常用。

情态动词的时态变化有限,只有现在时和过去时(过去能够做某事)两种,没有人称变化。否定直接加 not,疑问直接提前。

could/would/should/might 有三种用法:

  • 表示过去 能够/将要/应该/可能
  • 表示现在更委婉的语气:情态动词的态度更加委婉 Could you help me now?
  • 用于虚拟


  • must:必须
    • Human drivers sometimes must take split-second decisions. 人类驾驶员有时必须做瞬间发生的决定。split-second,把一秒都分开了。
  • can/could:能够(表能力),可以(表允许)
    • And the right mental workouts can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions. 副词需要放在助动词之后,实义动词之前。cognitive 认知的。
    • Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? 表示能够
  • will/would:将要,愿意(意愿上)
    • Would you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗?
    • The first draft will appear on the page. 初稿将会出现在纸上。
    • Potential home buyers would cheer for lower interest rates. 潜在的买房者将会为更低的利息欢呼雀跃。
  • may/might:可以,可能
    • Expressions may influence emotions rather than just the other way around. 表情可能会影响情绪而不是反过来。
    • Such bodily reaction might conceivably help moderate the effects of psychological stress. 这些肢体反应可能真的会帮助减轻心理压力的影响。conceivably,adv. 令人信服地,助动词之后,实义动词之前。
  • should:应该
    • Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist. 那些长期受到噩梦伤害的人应该去找治疗师寻求帮助。


  • 可能性最高:must,一定
  • 可能性最低:cannot,不可能
  • 中间的:may/might,wil/would 等等

The details may be unknowable. 细节可能是不知道的。注意:maybe 是一个副词,表示“可能”。

This loss of mental focus can potentially have a damaging impact on our professional, social, and personal wellbeing. 可能潜在有一种潜在破坏力。

  • 情态动词 + do:
  • 情态动词 + be doing:推测现在正在进行
  • 情态动词 + have done:推测过去(情态动词只能加动词原形)

The peculiar way of conducting the experiments may have led to misleading interpretation of what happened. 特殊的进行试验的方式可能在过去会导致关于发生的事情的误导的解释。

  • peculiar:adj. 特殊的
  • conduct:v. 实施,组织
  • interpretation:n. 解释,说明

The community should be grasping the opportunity to raise its influence in the real world. 社会科学界应该正在抓住机会去提高他真实世界的影响力。

谓语动词的情态 - 练习

Upcoming reforms might bring the price to a more reasonable level. 表示推测:即将到来的改革可能会把这个价格带到一个更加合理的水平。

Employers wouldn’t mind a little fewer bubbles in the job market. 将不会介意。

But we cannot escape the context of our unique life experience. 我们不能逃离我们独特生活经历的背景。

We must press forward on deeper atmosphere and oceanic research.

  • press forward on 向前推进

Your outline should smoothly conduct you from one point to the next. 应该顺利地引导你……



被动语态:主语是动作的承受者,苹果被吃。be + done。重点掌握被动语态和时态相结合。

  • done:表示被动的动作,被 xx
  • be:表示被动的时间,通过 be 的时态表示被动的时间,be 的单复数由主语确定

不幸的是,这些评论家们现在都被遗忘了。Unfortunately, these critics are forgotten.

如果想要强调动作的发出者,即被谁做的,使用 be + done + by sb.




For example, lighting was always changed on a Sunday. 过去经常被改变(现在不一定)

The truth will not be known for years. 将来时的被动,表示将不会被知道

But the great universal of male mortality is being changed. 正在被改变,现在进行时被动

Attempts have been made to control this inflation. 现在的之前,这个尝试就已经做出了

被动语态和情态相结合:情态动词 + be + done

In the Internet age, at least in theory, this fraction can be much reduced. 能够被大量减少。

Those first few days should be spent looking for work. 应该被花费在……

谓语动词的语态 - 练习

By the third generation, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families. 一般现在时的被动通常表示一种常态/习惯性发生的事。

A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide. 大量的注意力正在被付出(人们正在注意)

The sentences within each paragraph should be related to a single topic. 应该被联系到……

Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be netted together. 将要被连在一起。

Most archaeological sites have been located by means of careful searching. 现在的之前,考古学的地点就已经被详细搜索所定位了。


  • 实义动词变否定:do/does/did + not + 动词原形,助动词 do 帮助表示实义动词的时态
  • 助动词和情态动词变否定:直接加 not
    • 助动词:be 动词,完成时态中的 have/had

American professors did not possess one.

They don’t fund peer-reviewed research.

It doesn’t work very well for very long.

To be sure, the future is not all rosy. 未来并不是总是美好的,be 动词直接加 not。

With other audiences you mustn’t attempt to cut in with humor. 这里表示禁止。

Average height hasn’t really changed since 1960. 现在完成时的否定。


do/does/did + 动词原形

Although the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter. 尽管数字会变化,这些分析学家确实同意了另外一件事。

But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future. 但是科学确实为我们提供了通向未来的更可能的方式。一般现在时。

The court did suggest that accepting favors in return for opening doors is“distasteful”and“nasty”. 法院确实指出接受好处作为开后门的回报,这件事是不光彩的和肮脏的。

  • suggest:指出
  • open door:开后门
  • distasteful:不合口味的,令人生厌的
  • nasty:肮脏下流的

谓语动词的四种变化 - 考场攻略

  • 定位谓语动词,确定长难句中包含了几件事
    • The same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more communications choices have also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways.
    • dramatic technological changes:两个形容词并列修饰 change 名词
    • (什么样的)改变增加了(什么样的)风险。
  • 定位谓语动词,准确找到主语
    • National spending on social sciences and the humanities as a percentage of all research and development funds —— including government, higher education, non-profit and corporate varied from around 4% to 25%.
    • varied 是谓语,前面的部分都是主语,有插入语。、
    • 国家的花费(在社会科学和人文科学方面,作为所有研究发展基金的百分比)

主语 + 谓语 + 宾语/表语

  • 主语:5 种变化
    • 名词/代词(你我他)
    • doing:非谓语动词的特殊长相(doing/to do 做主语,done 做形容词)
    • to do
    • 并列多个:Doing,doing and doing
    • 从句作主语(复合句)
  • 宾语/表语:同上 5 种变化
    • 形容词做表语:You are beautiful.
    • 介词短语做表语:on the table


  • doing 做主语:动名词
    • Suffering is inevitable. 受苦是不可避免的。
    • Making friends is extremely important to teenagers. 词组(包含动作承受对象)
    • On the other hand, putting your faith in the wrong place often carries a high price. 介词补充说明 in the wrong place 一起作主语。
  • doing 做宾语:动宾和介宾都可以
    • Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted. 动词后的宾语,是一个词组。
    • Thinking is essentially a process of making connections in the brain. of 后面的宾语,介宾
  • doing 做表语:出现的比较少
    • My dream is traveling around the world. 直接跟在系动词后面
    • 特别容易和现在进行时混淆,用的很少。
  • to do 做主语:不定式(也可以表目的,以前 doing 表示经常做的事,to do 表示偶然做的事,不过现在已经不再重要了,二者没有啥区别)
    • To anticipate every imaginable driving situation is a difficult programming problem. 本来主语只有 to anticipate situation,中间有两个修饰词。
    • 前后对应:To see is to believe. 或者 Seeing is believing.
    • To do so is important. 如果主语太长容易头重脚轻,用形式主语 it 占位,写为:It’s important to do so. 不过形式主语是大家的一种选择,并不是强制的。当然,doing 也可以有自己的形式主语,当然更常用的就是 to do 放在后面,前面用形式主语。
    • It took Beaumont decades to perfect her craft. 去完善她的手艺这件事花费了她几十年。It takes sb. some time to do sth. 已经成为一种句式了。
    • So it seems paradoxical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation. 这件事似乎是矛盾的,什么事呢?在创造力和创新在同一个背景下去讨论习惯。
  • to do 作宾语:不能做介宾,只能做动宾!而动宾是 to do 还是 doing,由实义动词说了算,也就是说要背下来!
    • They may then decide to go elsewhere. 他们可能然后会决定去其他地方。
    • The decisions made it more difficult for states to collect sales tax on certain online purchases. 这里的 it 是形式宾语,同时由于这是在主谓宾补的情形中。
  • to do 做表语
    • The trick is to direct these funds better. 这里的 direct 是管理的意思。
    • The commission was also to consider possible arrangements for the War and Navy Department.
  • 并列多个主宾表:要同类!
    • Science and technology would care all the ills of humanity. 科技将会治愈人类所有疾病。
    • Second, they are mostly bright and well-educated. 形容词并列做表语。
    • Social science disciplines include geography, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology. 包括了三个及以上,前面用逗号,最后一个用 and 即可,要求严格的话 and 前面的逗号也要加!
    • That doesn’t mean lying down and becoming fooled, or letting foreign corporations run uncontrolled. 三件事并在一起的时候关系不一样,不能省略 and 和 or。
    • 并列连词:and,or,both A and B,either A or B,not only……but also(不但,而且,实际上就是……和……的并列)。
    • The researchers mapped not only the city’s vast and ornate ceremonial areas, but also hundreds of simpler apartment complexes. 不仅有华丽 ornate 的区域,也有简陋的公寓楼。
    • But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process. 但是,对航空旅客的要求过高或提供的安全保障太少会破坏公众对这一过程的支持。

主宾表的变化 - 练习

Getting the print edition seven days a week costs nearly $500 a year. 首先找谓语动词,前面的都是主语:一周七天都得到印刷版的话一年需要花费将近 500 美元。

It is fair to criticize and question the mechanism. 两个都是 to do,后面可以省略 to。

Trail blazes, tire tracks, and other features can lead you to civilization. 火的痕迹,轮胎印记和其他特征可以带你找到文明。

But privacy is not the only angle in this case and not even the most important. 并列两个名词词组做表语。

Americans have generally stopped growing. growing 作为宾语,动宾结构。

主宾表的变化 - 考场攻略


Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life. 这个表语是用 to enable 这个词组充当的。

Because building new educational systems there and putting enough people through them to improve economic performance would require two or three generations. 主语非常长,有两个 doing 并列:建立新的教育系统,put sb. to do sth. 等等。谓语动词是需要。



  • 词性角度的扩展:
    • 限定词(不重要)
    • 形容词、副词:基本用法,三种比较级别
    • 介词短语:重点
  • 成分角度的扩展

词性角度的扩展 - 限定词

  • 冠词:the(特指)、a、an(泛指)
  • 名词所有格:xx’s
  • 数词,百分数:hundreds
  • 名词修饰名词:woman teacher 女老师,garden city 花园城市

The roughly 20 million inhabitants of these nations looked hopefully to the future. 大约有两千万这些国家的居民满怀希望地看向未来。

By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics, and 41 percent of Asian-American women are married to non-Asians.

  • the third:the + 序数词,第三
  • one third of:分子在前,分母在后,two thirds 表示三分之二
  • 41 percent:百分之 41

Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn exemplified American anti-intellectualism. 马克吐温的哈克贝利·芬恩是美国反智主义的典范。

  • 如果不是以 s 结尾的所有格,加‘s
  • 否则就直接加‘即可:teachers’

词性角度的扩展 - 形容词,副词


  • 形容词修饰名词:angry boy
  • 副词修饰形容词,动词以及其他:shout angrily


  • 挨在名词前后,做定语
    • Rosenberg is a perceptive observer. 他是一个有洞察力的观察者。
    • Their thinking often had a traditional superstitious quality. 传统的迷信的
    • 考研不需要名词前按照大小、质量、形状排序形容词
  • 和名词之间隔了一个系动词,做表语:The idea seems promising.


  • The right mental workouts can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions.
  • Simiarly, the physical act of laughter could improve mood. 修饰全部句子
  • The tourist streams are not entirely separete. 游客人群并没有完全分开。修饰形容词。
  • Because they are so closely tied. 修饰动词,so 修饰副词 closely


  • 原级比较:as + adj./adv. 原形 + as + 比较对象:和比较对象相比是一样的 adj./adv.
    • The goals of the prize-givers seem as scattered as the criticism. 和批判一样分散。
    • not as……as:不如
  • 比较级:adj./adv. 的比较级 + than + 比较对象,有不规则,er 和 more 三种
    • 通常适用于两者之间的比较,两个人,两伙人……
    • Younger, healthier people can realize they potential. 更年轻,更健康的人能使他们的潜力成真。realize:使……成为真的。
    • Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, and so less sensitive to swings in the oil price. 富裕经济体对石油的依赖程度也低于过去,因此对油价波动的敏感度也较低。(时态和时态比,现在比过去依赖程度更低)
  • 最高级:adj./adv. 的最高级 + (介词短语表示范围)要加定冠词 the 或者所有格表示限定
    • 三个人及以上才能用最高级,某某范围内的最……
    • Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine.
    • The most obvious example is late-stage cancer care. 最明显的例子就是晚期癌症护理。

词性角度的扩展 - 形容词,副词 - 练习

The means of expression is purely and exclusively physical: sound. 纯粹的,专属的物质的。

Fundamentally, the USPS is in a historic squeeze between technological change. 根本上来说(修饰整个句子),美国邮政正处于一个技术的变革中间的历史性的挤压时期。

And where is the nearest water source? 最高级,最近的水源。

Children as young as 14 months can differentiate between a credible person and a dishonest one. 14 个月的孩子就已经可以区分一个可信的人和一个不诚实的人。

For the first time in history more people live in town than in the country. 历史上首次城镇居民超过乡村。

词性角度的扩展 - 介词短语

介词 prep. 短语的作用:

  • 不会单独出现,后面接名词,代词,doing,称为介词短语
  • 补充说明时间地点等等,是句子的非核心部分


  • 时间:
    • at, on, in:在……时间点(确定时间),时间上(日期),时间内(年月季节,上午下午)
      • In March 1997, he lost $72186. 在大的时间段,某年某月。
    • before, after:在……时间之前,之后
    • from, since:自从……时间
      • Since the days of Aristotle, a search for universal principles has characterized the scientific enterprise. 从过去到现在,since + 过去(无论是时间还是动作),表示的是:自从过去……开始,后面必须要搭配现在完成时(开始节点是过去就需要用现在完成时)。
    • by, until:截止到……时间
      • By 1854 slavery had been abolished everywhere except Spain’s remaining colonies. 截止到 1854 年,奴隶制已经被各个地方废除了(截止到某个时间,回头往之前看,而这个时间点又是过去,因此是过去的过去,需要用过去完成时;如果是 By now 就是现在完成时,是 By next week 就是将来完成时)但有的时候 By + 时间也可以用一般过去时,但这是不规范的用法,99% 的情况都要用完成时。
    • for:持续……时间
      • For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule. 持续了很多年,这个公司的行政长官和猎头都坚持这个原则。
    • during:在……期间
      • During his lifetime, he was also one of England’s foremost classical-music critics. 在他这一辈子的时间内,他也是(过去时,现在已经不是了)英国最知名的古典音乐批评家之一。
  • 地点:
    • at, in:在……地点,在……里面
      • 点:at 表示在某个点(把某个地点当作整体)at the airport
      • 面:on 表示在平面的上方
      • 体:in 表示在立体空间的里面
      • 三者是灵活使用的,但是有更习惯更常用的搭配,当然可以说是 in the airport,表示我在机场里面等你,但是不常用,所以还是说 at the airport
    • on, above, over; under, below:在……上面(有区别,但别纠结),在……下面
      • on 表示表面上接触的上面:A book is on the table. 书在桌子上。
      • above 表示悬空的斜上方
      • over 表示悬空的垂直上面:A bridge is over the river. 桥在河上。
    • in front of, behind:在……之前,之后
    • near, by, beside:在……旁边
    • between, among:在……之间
      • between:两者之间
      • among:三者或以上的之间
    • around:在……周围
    • into, out of:进入到……里面,从……出去
      • They went out of the classroom. 他们从教室中出去了。
      • into 是一个动态的,表示从外面进入到里面,和 in 的静态不同
      • A girl is in the classroom. A boy is running into the classroom.
    • onto, off:到……上面,脱离
      • onto 和 on 也是类似的区别,但是不严格 get on the bus 也可以
      • get off the bus 下车
    • across, through, past:穿过,穿过,经过
      • across 表示从表面上接触穿过:人过马路 go across the street,across the Channel
      • through 表示从内部穿过:穿过树林 go through the forest
      • past 表示从旁边经过:walk past
    • along:沿着
    • from, to:来自……,朝着……
  • 地点的真题例句:
    • Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters. 在幕后,他们一直瞄准的是那些其他人:会计标准的制定者。
    • The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwright’s clinic. 在梦和情绪之间的联系,在他的诊所中的病人中间显现出来了。
    • Television is a one-way tap flowing into our homes. 电视是单向流入我们家庭的(媒体)。
    • Lawyer Gant Redmon stumbled across CareerBuilder, a job database on the Internet. 偶然看到 stumble across,在互联网上 on the Internet
    • Information flows from the media to the influentials and from them to everyone else. 消息是从媒体流动到有影响力的人,再从他们流动到其他人。
  • 其他用法的介词:
    • of:……的……,表示属性,A of B,表示 B 的 A
      • A’s B:A 的 B
      • A of B:B 的 A,二者的区别就在于词序
      • A of B of C:C 的 B 的 A The window of the door of the classroom
      • Some of the students:学生中的一些 = 一些学生,依然还是倒序
    • about:关于……
    • with, without:伴随着有……/没有……
    • for:很复杂(但其实无论理解成哪个意思都差不多)
      • 为了……:表示目的 I do this for you.
      • 因为……:表示原因 He loves her for no reason.
      • 对于……:表示对象 For our students, english is very important.
    • by:更复杂
      • 通过……方式或方法:by bus,by doing 通过做某事
      • 被……做(被动语态 + by + 动作的发出者)
      • 相差了……(表示变化的差额):increase by …
    • as:
      • 作为……:I work as a teacher. 我作为一个老师工作。
      • 像……一样,如同…… the same as, as tall as you
    • like:像……一样 He looks like his father. 他看起来像他爸爸。like that/this
    • despite:尽管 + 词组,同义词组 in spite of,尽管……
      • Although,Though,Even though 表示尽管的时候是连词,后面需要加句子,需要有主有谓
  • 例句:
    • Most people stick with default settings. 许多人坚持(伴随着)默认设定。也就是说:很多人都一直保持默认的设置,没有修改过。stick with……
    • The growth in public money for academic research has speeded the process. 表目的,针对学术研究的公共资金的增长加速了这一过程。
    • In the past decade, the Japanese divorce rate has increased by more than 50 percent. 增长了超过 50%。
    • The latter was seen as a consequence of genetic isolation. 后者 latter 被看作是基因隔离的结果。as 表示作为……
    • Like physical fights, verbal fights can leave both sides bloodied.
    • Despite these factors, many social scientists seem reluctant to tackle such problems. 尽管有这些因素(直接 + 名词),许多社会学家似乎都不情愿 reluctant 去处理这些问题。

词性角度的扩展 - 介词短语 - 练习

Few of us just walk straight into the woods without a phone. woods 树林

  • few of us:我们当中的少数
  • walk straight into:笔直走入森林中
  • without a phone:伴随着没带电话
  • 很少有人会不带电话进森林。

For a time literature showed no interest in this public stage. 文学在公共舞台没有任何兴趣。

Star watchers were among the most esteemed members of Hawaiian society. 在夏威夷社会的最受尊敬的成员当中,天文学家是在其中的:天文学家在夏威夷社会中是受人尊敬的。

The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities. 法律的研究被认为是一个基础的知识学科持续了接近一个世纪,在欧洲的大学中。

Their sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competition from overseas. 轰动一时的发现都是充满了警告:关于日益增长的,来自海外的竞争。


词性角度的扩展 - 介词短语 - 攻略


The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert as its next music director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden announcement of his appointment in 2009.

  • 简单句的核心:The decision to hire Alan Gilbert has been the talk. 中间的 to hire 是非谓语动词
  • 修饰 decision:纽约乐团的决定
  • 修饰 to hire Alan Gilbert:作为它的下一任音乐总监
  • 修饰话题 talk:古典音乐世界的话题
  • 修饰时间:自从这个突然的宣布
  • 修饰宣布:任命的宣布
  • 修饰宣布时间:在 2009 年

成分角度的扩展 - 非谓语动词做定语、状语









  • doing 现在分词(作定语)or 动名词(作主语)
  • done 过去分词
  • to do 不定式
  • 限制条件:单独出现才叫非谓语,它的前面不能有动词出现和它搭配(be doing 是时态,单独的 doing 是非谓语动词)


  • 相当于名词,做主语、宾语、表语,Doing 和 To do 两个可以当名词
  • 修饰名词和句子,做定语(修饰名词)和状语(修饰状语),三种都可以


  • doing 表示主动,正在进行
  • done 表示被动,已完成
  • to do 表示目的,准备去做
  • 首先找逻辑主语(非谓语意思上针对的对象)判断主被动

The _______(network) computer is an amazing device. 这里的 network 是一个动词,表示“联网”,它用来修饰逻辑主语 computer(就近修饰),电脑只能被动联网,因此这里填 networked,意指“被联网的电脑”,选择过去分词作非谓语。

A team of researcheres _____(work) together in the lab would submit the results of their research to a journal. 这里 would submit 是谓语,因此 work 是一个非谓语,修饰研究人员,研究人员肯定是主动工作,因此填 working(否则就是被工作)。优先考虑主被动,其次考虑正在进行,已完成还是准备去做。当然如果填 to work,表示的就是这些研究人员为了工作在一起…… working together in the lab 中 in the lab 修饰 work 的地点。

  • 补充说明对象:doing sth./ to do sth.
  • 补充说明时间地点:xxx
  • 单个一个词修饰名词,放在名词前;如果是一个动词 + 介词短语构成的词组,放在名词后

America’s new plan _____(buy) up toxic assets will not work. 其中 will not work 为谓语,因此 buy 是非谓语,这里表示计划的目的:to buy。toxic assets 不良资产。美国新的购买不良资产的计划不会生效。

In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work, _____(transform) basic family economics. 在仅仅一代人的时间内,数以百万计的妈妈们去工作,transform 这里是非谓语,改变了家庭经济状况,用 transforming。这里是修饰整个句子,考察句子主语:mothers,是她们主动改变了经济状况。

_____(Enrage) by Entergy’s bahavior, the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 last year against allowing an extension. 被惹怒了 Enraged,逻辑主语是州参议院,它被这个行为惹怒了。因此去年以 26-4 的票拒绝了公司的延期。

_____(promote) this idea, he turned to the university-admissions process. 他是逻辑主语,他的目的是推广这个想法,填 To promote。

doing,done 和 to do 修饰整句话的时候常常有逗号隔开。此时逻辑主语是被修饰的那句话的主语。

People are poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. 这里 make 变成了非谓语 making,但是前面有个连词 when,连词不一定连接句子,还可以连接词,放在非谓语动词前,突出强调非谓语动词和句子之间的关系(强调在……时)。


成分角度的扩展 - 非谓语做定语、状语 - 练习

Sixty toddlers were each introduced to an adult tester holding a plastic container.

  • 谓语动词:were each introduced to,被一一介绍给
  • 非谓语动词:holding a plastic container,修饰成年测试者(就近原则)
  • 60 个幼儿,他们每一个都被介绍给一个成人测试者,这些成人测试者都拿着一个塑料容器。

Passengers must pay $85 every five years to process their background checks.

  • 非谓语动词:to process,不是修饰每五年,而是修饰这个句子,表示付钱的目的是为了做背景调查。

The first thing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder.

  • 非谓语动词:被需要,是针对创新而被需要,逻辑主语是 the first thing,第一件事(这个事)是被需要的,而不能主动需要……

The ideals of the early leaders of independence were often egalitarian, valuing equality of everything. 早期独立领导人的理想往往是平等主义的,重视一切平等。

  • 独立的早期领导者的理想:A of B of C
  • 非谓语 valuing 修饰整个句子,做状语,逻辑主语是理想 ideal

Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers prompting their own products.

  • paid and owned:被付费的,被拥有的
  • prompting …:推销产品,这里修饰 marketers,做定语

成分角度的扩展 - 非谓语做定语、状语 - 攻略


The networked computer offers the first chance in 50 years to reverse the flow, to encourage thoughtful downloading and meaningful uploading.

  • networked(被)联网的
  • to reverse the flow:目的是为了逆转潮流
  • to encourage thoughtful downloading and meaningful uploading:目的是为了鼓励 xxx


  • 非谓语动词的位置:前后有就近的名词,再考察意思是否搭配
  • 与句子之间是否有逗号隔开:
  • 代入法:意思上是否有搭配

I saw a passing plane. 就近修饰 plane,一般来说会夹在冠词和名词之间

Passing the cafe, I saw a friend. 修饰整个句子,表示在经过小饭店时,我看到了一个朋友。注意,这里并不是修饰 cafe!

Archaeologists commonly use computers to map sites and the landscapes around sites.

  • to map …:去绘制地图(修饰整个句子,整个句子的主语考古学家作为逻辑主语)
  • sites:遗址
  • the landscapes around sites:遗址旁边的地貌


  • 如果非谓语动词相当于名词作主语、宾语、表语,不能去掉
  • 如果非谓语动词是做定语、状语做修饰作用,可以去掉!

成分角度的扩展 - 同位语、插入语



The number of papers including the keywords "environmental change" or "climate change" have increased rapidly since 2004. 同位语是:"environmental change" or "climate change”,解释说明前面的 keywords 到底是什么。

专有名词 + 普通名词(同位语解释说明)

It said that Internet Explorer 10, the version due to appear with windows 8, would have DNT as a default. 据称,随着 Windows 8 一起推出的 Internet Explorer 10 将默认启用 DNT。

  • due to sth. 和某事约定好了
  • 这里指 IE 10,这个版本是和 Windows 8 约定好了一起出现,后面是同位语
  • DNT:Do Not Track,反跟踪
  • It 这里指微软公司

Its current leader, Ed Miliband, owes his position to votes from public-sector unions.

  • owe … to …:把……归功于……,把他的位置归功于公共部门工会的投票
  • 人名就是同位语


Brendon Lynch, Microsoft' s chief privacy officer, blogged: "We believe consumers should have more control.”微软首席隐私官布伦登·林奇在博客中写道:“我们认为消费者应该拥有更多的控制权。”

It usually leads to no good —— drinking, drugs and casual sex. 通常会导致不好的结果 —— 喝酒、吸毒和随便性行为。

Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters. 在幕后,他们一直瞄准着其他人:会计准则制定者。


  • 主谓结构做插入语
    • You can, Mr. Menand points out, become a lawyer in three years and a medical doctorin four. 正如门南先生所指出的,你可以在三年内成为一名律师,在四年内成为一名医生。这里“Mr. Menand points out”是一个最简单的主谓结构插入语,去掉后句子依旧成立。
    • This speeding up of life, says the Futuristy, requires a new form of expression. 未来主义者认为,生活的加速需要一种新的表达形式。在英语中的“某人说”,可以用 sb. say 或者 say sb.,这里也是一个主谓结构插入语,可以去掉。
  • 副词做插入语,尤其是 however,表转折
    • These facts, however, have previously been thought unrelated. 然而,这些事实以前被认为是不相关的。这里的“however”表示这句话和上一句构成了转折关系。however 是副词,不是连词,不能连接两句话。
    • Adealis a deal —— except, apparently, when Entergy is involved. 交易就是交易——除了当恩特吉牵涉其中时。这里“apparently”做插入语。
  • 介词短语做插入语:for example,on the other hand,from one’s point of view……
    • Other standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), capture the main aspects of IQ tests. 其他标准化考试,如学术能力评估测试(SAT)和研究生入学考试(GRE),抓住了智商测试的主要方面。“such as”插入语。
    • Amateurs, on the ather hand, have continued pursue local studies in the old way. 相比之下,业余爱好者们一直在以传统的方式继续进行局部的研究。

同位语:解释说明同一件事(名词) 插入语:单独补充说明(主谓结构,副词,介词短语)

  • Tony, my teacher, is coming here. 同位语。
  • Tony, with his students, is coming here. 插入语。就算是和他的同学们,但是是插入语,谓语动词还是单数。

成分角度的扩展 - 同位语、插入语 - 练习

His concern is mainly with the humanities: Literature, languages, philosophy and so on. 他主要关注人文学科:文学、语言、哲学等等。冒号引出同位语。

Positive health habits——as well as negative ones——spread through networks of friends via social communication. 积极的健康习惯——以及消极的习惯——通过社交交流在朋友网络中传播。两个破折号中间是插入语:也包括消极的习惯。

Sapir s pupil, Benjamin Lee Whorf, continued the study of American Indian languages. 萨皮尔的学生本杰明·李·沃尔夫继续研究美洲印第安语言。两个逗号隔开,是同位语(似乎也可以看作是插入语,不重要)

Every cat with an owner, for instance, is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. 例如,每只有主人的猫都在进行一项小规模的操作条件化研究。副词“例如”,表示这句话是一个例子。

成分角度的扩展 - 同位语、插入语 - 攻略

A small step has been taken in the direction of a national agency with the creation of the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment, funded by Ottawa and the provinces. 加拿大协调卫生技术评估办公室的创建是朝着建立国家机构迈出的一小步,该办公室由渥太华和各省提供资金支持。

  • 核心:A small step has been taken.
  • in the direction of a national agency:朝着国家机构方向(迈出的一小步)
  • with the creation of the Canadian Coordinating Office 伴随着 CCO 的创立
  • for Health Technology Assessment 这个 CCO 是为了健康技术评估,上面结合起来可以说“加拿大协调卫生技术评估办公室”
  • funded by Ottawa and the provinces 资金由渥太华和其他省份出的

Sharpening judgment by absorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable component of a journalist’s intellectual preparation for his or her career. 通过吸收和反思法律来提高判断力是新闻工作者职业智力准备中可取的组成部分。

  • 核心:Sharpening judgment is a component. 提高判断力是一个组成部分。

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